MediaOne has ranked The Grange Institution (TGI) as one of the top 20 international schools in Singapore on its website after careful research and selection.

The Grange instills a sense of belonging in every member within their international community

The top digital marketing agency listed TGI for, amongst other attributes, recognising the uniqueness of every individual, seeking to bring the best in each student through its educational philosophy.

A family-oriented school in which every child feels happy, valued, and cared for.

“We aim to be the best that we can so that our students are set to have the greatest school and learning experience. Our limited enrollment and small size are going to enable all our students to be known by all of our teachers – not just as learners, but as personalities and as creators.”, said Ronald Stones OBE, Director of Schools.

Students learn to implement sustainable practices to care for, respect and protect the environment we interact with.

The Grange has a  multi-disciplinary approach to delivering its unique Creators-in-Action©️ educational philosophy focusing on 8 key competencies of Construction & Design, Respecting the Environment, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Active Citizenship, Teamwork & Partnerships, Original Ideas, Recognising Issues and Service Leadership.

Find out more about The Grange and our Creators-in-Action©️ here: