Our Year 2 students getting briefed on safe handling of elements

The initial stage of the coronavirus pandemic in late January 2020 saw stores running out of hand sanitisers, an essential item for protection against this virus.

With this widespread shortage, The Grange decided to let our students have the opportunity to try their hands at making the alcohol-based cleanser. On 2 April 2020, a week before the Circuit Breaker kicked in, The Grange conducted a science experiment for the Year 2 students to make their own hand sanitisers.

The experiment was conducted in a save and supervised environment

A total of three stations were set up. Teachers supervised these stations and students went through each station to add the individual components to assemble their sanitisers. They were even able to customise the smell based on the amount of tea tree oil they wish to add.

Satisfied and proud smiles from our chemists-of-the-day

With time to spare, the students managed to put together more bottles for their Year 1 juniors in a gesture of sharing and caring.

Even before the Circuit Breaker, The Grange had taken all the necessary precautionary measures mandated by the Authorities to safeguard the students’ well-being. They included temperature taking and sanitizing the students’ hands at least three times a day. Class teachers constantly reminded students to wash their hands regularly with soap and water, and to avoid touching their face.

When school reopens after the Circuit Breaker, all precautionary measures will continue to be observed to ensure that students continue to maintain good personal hygiene at all times.