Cretors-in-Action ©
Our future-focused curriculum supports our unique Cre8tors-in-Action© educational philosophy aimed at developing Global Citizens by equipping them with the following 8 core competencies.
8 Core Competencies
Creators possess the skills to conceptualise an idea and to apply the design process to construct a product. They learn to examine and critique their draft work before making refinements when working towards an original or improved final product.
Creators develop the important understanding that we need to maintain a healthy, balanced and interdependent relationship with our natural and man-made environment. They learn to implement sustainable practices to care for, respect and protect the environment we interact with.
Creators are individuals who can identify a niche, conceptualise, market and deliver an idea, a product or a cause to their target audience. They learn to use a combination of textual, visual, auditory tools and media, coupled with technology, to sell their ideas and products in a creative manner.
Creators see themselves as active global citizens who have a shared agency of our planet. They are passionate about their responsibilities to improve life on Earth. They are advocates of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and know that their actions can be personal, localised or far-reaching.
Creators embrace collaboration and partnership as an effective and efficient way to solving a problem. They understand that others’ strengths can complement or supplement their own. They are willing to adopt different roles in a team as the success of the mission outweighs individual accolade.
Creators challenge their own thinking to come up with new and original ideas that, in turn, challenges others’ thinking and their mindsets. They are able to approach existing issues and situations with alternative viewpoints, in the hope to come up with original ideas, or to better existing ideas.
Creators gain knowledge and awareness by researching into common issues affecting humanity on a personal, community or global basis through a balance of primary and secondary sources of information, and in the process, they might change their mindset and perspective about the issue.
Creators are true leaders who are selfless about taking meaningful actions to impact others and the environment. They are active in the school, local community and beyond and are willing to devote time and energy to community causes that they become passionate about.